“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
–Albert Einstein
What I Do

Divorce Mediation
Transformative Divorce Mediation is a process by which two
people face and explore their conflicts, hurts and misunder-
standings, to come out on the other end with a new appre-
ciation of the role conflict played in their relationship.
Couples Coaching
If you and your spouse/partner have talked seriously about divorce or separation, relationship coaching can help you come through crisis and move into a new phase in your relationship. Relationship coaching is an…

Family Mediation
You’re experiencing conflict in an important relationship- it with your spouse. your partner. your ex or maybe your children and step-children —and you’re wondering: could we benefit from mediation? If so, how do I bring it up…
Ready to Get Started?
I am excellent in helping people through transitions because I love this work. And I love this work because within transitional periods there lies the possibility of great awareness, learning, and healing.