I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your invaluable support and guidance throughout the past eight months. During our time together, you have shown an exceptional level of expertise and provided me with much needed guidance. Your ability to navigate the complexities of divorce proceedings has been instrumental in helping me understand the process and make informed decisions. I am truly grateful for your efforts in facilitating productive discussions between my husband and me. Your professionalism and dedication were unwavering. Despite the challenges and frustrations that arose, you consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the emotions involved and offered guidance that allowed me to approach the situation with a level head. Your ability to create a safe and constructive environment for communication was truly commendable. Despite the difficulties, you encouraged respectful discussions and helped us maintain a sense of civility during this emotionally charged time. Your efforts undoubtedly made a positive impact on the overall process. I want to thank you for your guidance and support during this challenging period of my life. Your expertise and dedication have been invaluable, and I am truly grateful for the role you played as my mediator. Wishing you continued success in your future endeavors, and I hope our paths cross again under more favorable circumstances.

“Belinda is an incredible mediator. She is caring and compassionate, and and excellent communicator. She helped us both to better hear and understand each other through the more difficult parts of our separation. She was very skilled at always bringing us back to what was most important- our commitment to remain great co-parents to our son. She helped us come up with creative solutions that helped meet both of our needs. We feel that we are able to more forward with dignity and respect, and to maintain a relationship that puts our son securely at the center. We will forever be grateful to Belinda for gently guiding us through this life change with her steadfast calm and commitment to a peaceful process and resolution.”

“Working with Belinda brought so much relief to the process of separating from my partner. With her expertise, spiritual foundation and heart-felt containment we were able to bring our needs to the table, and come up with a parenting plan & custody agreement that supported us both! I highly recommend Belinda to anyone who is looking for depth, generosity and someone who is truly on your team as you begin the journey of “consciously uncoupling.”

“I wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you with much gratitude. Here’s why-next weekend I will be attending my ex-husband’s wedding…..and it seems we’ve come full circle. He’s truly one of my best friends and I’m happy for him. My boys are the best men and they’re so happy that I will be there. They don’t know anything different than their parents as 2 people who love them to the end of the earth and also happen to be best friends (and are just not married). Teachers get confused because we do everything together, they assume we’re married and I’ve had feedback from numerous teachers that neither of my boys exhibit any signs of coming from a divorced home. I believe our work with you allowed us to let go of ego and move through this process of life with dignity and grace. I will always be truly grateful that you were placed in my life. You are a special person and I hope you know how you touch people.”

“Belinda was patient, understanding, impartial, and experienced in our mediation sessions with my ex-partner. She encouraged us to find positive solutions, creatively gave ideas that benefited both of our goals, and did so in a calm and professional manner. I would not hesitate to recommend her services to couples seeking modern solutions for mediation.”

“Belinda as a mediator was caring, good listener, and skilled in the sensitivity split marriage transition. She contributed with alternative solutions that helped us see our lives during separation in positive way, that brought us closer in other ways, for which I’m very grateful.”

“Working with Belinda is ALWAYS a wonderful experience and creates tremendous opportunities for deepening into myself and great personal growth. Amazing on so many levels for a myriad of reasons!”

“Belinda has a gift of negotiating, helping both sides feel heard, and respecting all parties’ beliefs. She’s also a great interpreter of meaning. Often after a couple has been married many years, their communication can get misinterpreted through years of habits, patterns, and due to current emotional angst. She can listen with unbiased ears and help to communicate the thought to the other party. She helps both parties to see the other person’s perspective, which in a divorce is a wonderful way to help find the middle ground, make each person feel that they gave a little and got a little. You walk away feeling good about the process.”

“I have a beautiful relationship with the father of my children now. Better than anything I could have imagined before we went to mediation, and this I owe to Belinda, for guiding me and my ex-husband through the process of divorce. Belinda showed us the possibility of a transition to a new life without anger or fear. I highly recommend her to any couples who have children. She supported our strengths as parents and brought our attention to our children and illuminated our future lives with them. She helped us see beyond the immediate and envision a new life, for each of us and for our children. She helped us to see that the future was our choice and that we could make it the best that we possibly could for our children, and for ourselves. Belinda helped us to focus on what was important for everyone, all the while allowing for our individual needs, dreams, hopes and fears to be heard.

“Belinda provided exactly the kind of help my former wife and I needed and desired in order to move through this big change in our lives. She was kind, clear and thorough, but really helpful was her complete and open fairness. She helped each of us understand the issues the other was concerned with and focused attention on relieving those concerns. There were very few snags in our progress through mediation; we entered it with peace and calmness in mind, desiring to exit the process as friends. Belinda helped us do that, without injecting any acrimony, slanted perspective or false hopes.”

“Belinda was able to get us to a place to discuss the underlying issues that we couldn’t seem to confront on our own. Her expert ability to help us to hear one another, think about our future relationship, and envision a better family dynamic with our kids continues to give benefits to our new families. Belinda’s focus on a continued a dialogue helped us to see past our current situation and focus on options for a hopeful future for us, apart, and together with our kids.”

“I have a better relationship now, with my children and with my ex-husband, then I did before mediation with Belinda. Belinda helped me question my future, see my strengths and envision the future that I wanted, and am now living. Divorce is an ending, but it’s also a beginning. As parents who love their children, are equally involved in their lives and want whats best for them, Belinda helped us realize the possibility of a healthy, happy co-parenting relationship that supports our children while respecting our individual lives.”

“Many thanks to you for your very wise, kind words waaaay back in the beginning of my journey which allowed me to release my ego & move forward with grace! My children are blessed that you were one of my first guides.”

“Belinda was especially helpful in helping us think about the issues in a new way. She was so caring and kind, and her dedicated, calming presence helped us navigate some of the more painful parts of our relationship history as gracefully as possible.”

“Working with Belinda on my relationship issues is nothing short of brilliant. On an emotional level, I feel very safe with Belinda. I feel heard, and seen by her, and this opens me up to share my deepest hurts and concerns. Practically speaking, Belinda has two hugely important qualifications. One, she has a boat load of tools gathered over many years of training and personal experience. Two, she knows exactly what tools to use at any given time. I have often come away from our sessions feeling a sense of lightness and clarity, as well as the power to make shifts that allow more love into my life. And, what’s really great, is that her nuggets of wisdom combined with a passion for the messages she’s delivering make for a delightful experience. Forget the spa! Go to Belinda. You’ll feel renewed and energized to make life-changing shifts in the category that counts the most – Love!”

“Belinda is a compassionate mediator who guides couples through divorce and custody disputes toward creative solutions. I like her approach because she really emphasizes practical outcomes. She is so easy to work with and has performed miracles with some of my clients who I thought would end up in trial. I can’t recommend Belinda enough.”

Ready to Get Started?
I am excellent in helping people through transitions because I love this work. And I love this work because within transitional periods there lies the possibility of great awareness, learning, and healing.
Ready to Get Started?
I am excellent in helping people through transitions because I love this work. And I love this work because within transitional periods there lies the possibility of great awareness, learning, and healing.
Ready to Get Started?
I am excellent in helping people through transitions because I love this work. And I love this work because within transitional periods there lies the possibility of great awareness, learning, and healing.
Ready to Get Started?
I am excellent in helping people through transitions because I love this work. And I love this work because within transitional periods there lies the possibility of great awareness, learning, and healing.
Ready to Get Started?
I am excellent in helping people through transitions because I love this work. And I love this work because within transitional periods there lies the possibility of great awareness, learning, and healing.